Next month, on Saturday, April 25, the fourth annual Toronto Code Camp will be held in downtown Toronto. I’ve had the privilege to present at this event again.
Like any other Code Camps , there is absolutely no fluff or marketing stuff in Toronto’s biggest code camp whatsoever. Find out more about the agenda and speakers at BTW, Toronto Code Camp now has a Facebook group setup at RSVP please if you are planning to attend.
I’ll be presenting the following session:
Turning Chaos into Order: Best Practices for Developing SharePoint Applications
Truthfully there is much more to development with the SharePoint platform than the raw aspects of the technology. While I have been building enterprise-level applications on the top of this great platform for years, I have discovered that there are some common challenges that SharePoint architects and developers often face when building such applications.
In this session we will explore some of the toughest architectural decisions you may face during the development life cycle of a SharePoint project, how to deal with common real-life hurdles and how to utilize existing best practices, patterns and practices, tools and ideas to ensure that your SharePoint applications successfully transition from development to release.
Update 4/26/2009: Session Follow-up is available here.